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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ear Candling

WOW! I see many people are having ALLERGIES,COLDS ,FLU & SINUS issues!!  OH NO!! What to do ? Stop over and see me for an ear candling session!

Ear Candling  also known as Coning is a Centuries Old Remedy!!
When excess ear wax builds up, energy becomes blocked in the head and one may develop stuffed sinuses, sinusitis, headaches, earaches, dizziness, some hearing loss, sore throats, allergies or upper respiratory infections.Candling has been reported to help detoxify the sinus & help clear lymph congestion.Although every body is different Candling is a therapy for Adults & Children alike! Clients who have experienced Candling have agreed it is safe,relaxing,soothing,painless and non-invasive.
Shawn has had some serious allergy,upper respiratory challenges over the last week,so we candled his ears tonight,check out the photo and see for yourself  how well this non-invasive procedure draws excess wax from your ear!!

MMS on Trial - Grand Jury to Determine the Fate of Daniel Smith (and MMS)

MMS on Trial - Grand Jury to Determine
the Fate of Daniel Smith (and MMS)

In Spokane County Washington, a man’s life and that of his family hangs in the balance.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has asked the U.S. Attorney to convene a second federal grand jury in another attempt to criminally indict Daniel Smith and possibly others.

The alleged crime?  Smith is not altogether sure since he's never spoken to an FDA agent or received any correspondence from the agency in his life.  Getting any red flags yet?  From a reading of an agent's affidavits, the agency is bent for Smith having made available a perfectly lawful and relatively innocuous water purification product; one that has been available for over half a century and has gained international grass roots attention over the last five years.

During that time, Smith oversaw an online 1st and 14th Amendment Private Membership Association called Project GreenLife (currently offline).  Project GreenLife made many items available to its private members, but one in particular called "MMS", an acronym for Master Mineral Solution or Miracle Mineral Solution.  MMS is typically comprised of 28% Sodium Chlorite in distilled water.

Sodium Chlorite is a natural (non-synthetic), non-patentable compound that has been sold and used in water purification throughout the USA for nearly eighty years.  Sodium Chlorite is "Generally Recognized as Safe" as an indirect food substance by the FDA.  Sodium Chlorite is not illegal to buy, sell, import, export, or possess, and is properly labeled, sold, and used for water purification. 

So what's the problem? 

According to the FDA, Sodium Chlorite may be mixed with any food grade acid (i.e. citric acid) in the privacy of one's own home to create an entirely different and equally lawful substance known as Chlorine Dioxide (not to be mistaken with chlorine bleach or standard chlorine gas).

Ok, so what's the problem? 

Well, Chlorine Dioxide just happens to be one of the safest and most effective pathogen-killers known to mankind.  A "pathogen" is generally defined as yeast, mold, fungus, bacteria or virus. 

The Federal Government knows the power of Chlorine Dioxide.  It was used to decontaminate buildings after the 2001 Anthrax attacks.   It was used to rid homes and businesses of mold after the flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  Government even handed out self-generating Chlorine Dioxide packets to local residents.  Chlorine Dioxide is used by savvy municipal water treatment plants because its safer than chlorine.  Chlorine Dioxide may be used to purify blood prior to transfusion (U.S. Patent No. 4944920).  Chlorine Dioxide is used in various toothpastes and mouth rinses.  In "The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium" author, Jim Humble, discusses Chlorine Dioxide's many internal and external applications.  Numerous studies show the relative safety of Chlorine Dioxide, contrary to recent FDA propaganda.

So, it stands to reason people might use their homemade Chlorine Dioxide in numerous creative ways; ways that might, for example, make people less reliant on a trillion dollar sickness industry.  Enter Big Pharma's muscle man, the FDA. 

Now set aside for a moment any smear campaign you may have ran into about MMS or Sodium Chlorite.  Thousands of testimonies can't lie and tend to speak volumes louder than armchair naysayers who've never used it.  Just ask Smith who can recount dozens of tearful life-altering stories of Chlorine Dioxide users which nobody could forget.

The bottom line, however, is Project GreenLife sold Sodium Chlorite and not Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite has no therapeutic value whatsoever.  Neither Sodium Chlorite nor Chlorine Dioxide are illegal or controlled substances.  People who make and use Chlorine Dioxide in the privacy of their own home, whether to kill pathogens internally or externally, have a natural god-given unalienable and constitutional right to do so.

By attempting to indict and convict Mr. Smith, the FDA seeks to indirectly obtain a ruling from the Court that Sodium Chlorite is a "drug" suddenly subject to FDA oversight (after almost eighty years on the free market and after being declared as GRAS), while simultaneously charging Smith and others with bogus violations of The Food Drug and Cosmetic Act.  This could set precedence for the FDA to raid every  Sodium Chlorite reseller in the USA and bolster similar agency action worldwide.  A cursory review of MMS and Sodium Chlorite availability on Google, Amazon, or EBay reveals Project GreenLife was just one of many providers of MMS or Sodium Chlorite.  No other online MMS or Sodium Chlorite resellers appear to be being harassed by the FDA at this time; a further testament to the agency's malicious prosecution of Smith and family.  So why Smith?

On June 29, 2011, without warning, the FDA raided Smith’s home and two independent companies that provided fulfillment and bottling for Project GreenLife.  Armed with guns and vests they laid siege, helping themselves to personal and private property, computers, hard-drives, business records, private member records, product, manufacturing equipment, and every penny from every bank account, wiping Project GreenLife out all in a single afternoon.  This was all done in the absence of legislative and judicial jurisdiction of the Federal Government.

Project GreenLife was also a 1st and 14th Amendment Private Membership Association.  As Trustee, Mr. Smith wrote the FDA almost a year prior, inquiring as to if the agency had any legal and valid objection to Project GreenLife making its products available to private members in the private domain.  By the help and counsel of the ProAdvocate Group, Smith based his inquiry on a good-faith understanding of U.S. Supreme Court case law regarding certain constitutional exemptions pertaining to the activities of a private association.  Mr. Smith informed the FDA that unless the agency objected, he would assume the agency had no objection and gave a reasonable time to respond.

While the FDA could have just replied (or objected), they didn’t, leaving Smith to believe Project GreenLife could freely go about its private business without any undue harassment.  After all, if you can't trust the Federal Government who can you trust?

Interestingly enough, The court said in United States v. Prudden (1970) and again in USA v. Tweel (1977), "Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading."

So, the Federal Government committed fraud.  Surprised?  While engaging in "intentionally misleading" silence, agents spent a year quietly going through Smith's garbage, placing warrantless GPS tracking devices on Smith's vehicles, having agents sign membership contracts swearing they were not federal agents so they could make fraudulent buys.  Slowly and methodically they gathered information for the sole purpose of crafting a story that would shock a magistrate into granting nearly a hundred illegitimate warrants so they could completely wipe Project GreenLife out in a single day.  They already knew what Mr. Smith was doing.  He had already told them a year prior.  It was clear their aim was to teach Smith a lesson, limit the lawful availability of sodium chlorite and send a message to anyone else thinking about exercising constitutional rights.

Smith has been fighting for his life and the lives of his family for nearly a year with very little resources and without an attorney.  If the FDA were to "win" their over-reaching claims, it could result in an absurd precedent and Smith and others could go to prison for daring to exercise their constitutional rights.

One thing is clear.  Sodium Chlorite, being only a water purifier, has no therapeutic value of its own, and the FDA has no jurisdiction over what you make from Sodium Chlorite for private use in your own home.  Big Pharma's policeman is simply over-reaching and out of control.

But hope is not lost.  Both a grand jury and trial jury can put an end to the tyranny of rogue agencies like the FDA with what is called "Jury Nullification".  Conduct an internet search of those words and share what you learn with your friends.  If everyone were informed, Jury Nullification would be the end of oppressive and corrupt government.

Harlan F. Stone, the 12th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1941 said: “The law itself is on trial quite as much as the cause which is to be decided... If a juror feels that the statute involved in any criminal offence is unfair, or that it infringes upon the defendant's natural god-given unalienable or constitutional rights, then it is his duty to affirm that the offending statute is really no law at all and that the violation of it is no crime at all, for no one is bound to obey an unjust law.”

Prosecutors, judges, and agencies like the FDA cringe when they hear the words “Jury Nullification” because it represents the potential for educated jurors to exercise their unequivocal and irrefutable right to nullify unjust law.  Jury Nullification is how the prohibition on alcohol was repealed in America in the 1930’s.  Juries refused to convict because they deemed the law unjust.  Jury Nullification was seen by America's Forefathers as an absolute essential fail-safe to keep government from getting out of control.  They never intended government to keep Jury Nullification from the People and never expected the People to lose sight of their power through Jury Nullification.

The Fully Informed Jury Association has created a single page leaflet "On the Grand Jury" explaining to jurors the actual power they wield; something a prosecutor is not likely to share.  Author, Kelly Z. Mordecai, has written a book (available on Amazon) detailing the power of the jury entitled The Hidden Fourth Branch.

Juries are made of people like you and me.  They aren't dumb and they can see through greedy government charades if they are provided with enough facts.  The facts in Smith's case are 1) Sodium Chlorite is not a drug, 2) the Federal Government has no jurisdiction, and 3) Daniel Smith and Project GreenLife staff are not criminals.  The problem is, Grand Juries tend to hear only the prosecutor's carefully wrapped version of the story, and trial juries rarely get to see the evidence that would acquit.  Its a rigged game front to back.  Like Vegas, "the house" always has the advantage.  The only wild cards are educated jurors.

But a prosecutor is obligated to share "exculpatory evidence" with a grand jury - and anyone, including you, can help with that.  If you are a MMS user, take a look at these declarations.  If you agree, and you are willing to take a stand for Daniel Smith and his family, for Project GreenLife, for MMS, and to tell the Federal Government and the FDA to BACK OFF, and to help the jury get reacquainted with their power; then simply SIGN AND SEND.  The jury needs to hear that Sodium Chlorite is not a drug, that Chlorine Dioxide, privately made, is safe when reasonably used and outside FDA jurisdiction.  They also need to know that Daniel Smith and his staff are not criminals.  They need to know they (the jury) have the power to stop any agency agenda that would seek to chill the exercise of natural and unalienable rights.

If you are not a MMS user but want to show your support, there is another declaration for anyone who simply takes exception to the FDA's classification of man as an animal.  Did you know FDA drug laws classify man as "animals"?  See 21 USC § 321(f)(1);(g)(B) and (C);(h)(2) and (3);(v);(w);(jj);(oo); and other places.    In a briefing paper presented to the U.S. Department of State, Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch details "The Eight Stages of Genocide", of which Stage 3 is "Dehumanization" or the "classification of humans as animals".  If we are prepared to accept the title of animals, we will be treated like animals.

For either declaration, simply follow the instructions for “10,000 Declarations” on IAmNotAnAnimal.org.  It will cost only the money and time it takes to mail, will help make history, and could help save more lives.  Every declaration counts.  Don’t think other people will send enough that yours won’t matter.  If everyone thinks that, no one will send anything, and Daniel Smith and his family will be left to the wolves and the tyranny will continue.

Thomas Jefferson is attributed to saying: "If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

Daniel Smith may be contacted at:

Daniel of the Smith Family
C/o: 1314 S. Grand Blvd, Suite 2-128
Spokane County [99202]
Washington State, USA

(509) 590.2188

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Friday, January 6, 2012

ANGEL NUMBERS - Joanne Sacred Scribes: ANGEL NUMBER 717

ANGEL NUMBERS - Joanne Sacred Scribes: ANGEL NUMBER 717: The number 717 is made up of the vibrations and energies of the numbers 7 and 1, with the number 7 appearing twice, amplifying its influence...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Six natural alternatives to ibuprofen

The saying used to be, “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning,” but many people turn to ibuprofen to relieve inflammation, pain, and fever. This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), available both over the counter and by prescription, is commonly used to treat arthritis, menstrual symptoms, headache, general aches and pains, and various inflammatory conditions.
Side effects of ibuprofen
Although many people think of ibuprofen as being rather benign, it is associated with an increased risk of heart and circulation problems, including stroke and heart attack, as well as gastrointestinal problems, such as bleeding or perforation of the stomach or intestinal tract. These risks increase the longer you take the drug, although the length of time until it affects any one individual varies depending on their overall health, use of other medications, age, and other factors.

Natural alternatives to ibuprofen Many studies have been done on various natural pain killers and anti-inflammatories that can be used as alternatives to ibuprofen. They generally have mild to no side effects. Here are a few you may want to consider. You should always consult a knowledgeable health-care professional before starting a new treatment program.

Boswellia: This anti-inflammatory remedy comes from the Boswellia serrata tree that grows in India. The anti-inflammatory properties of boswellia are attributed to the boswellic acids that it contains. These acids improve blood flow to the joints and prevent inflammatory white cells from entering damaged tissue. Also known as “Indian frankincense,” boswellia is available as a supplement and a topical cream. For pain and inflammation, a suggested dose is 450 to 750 mg daily for three to four weeks.
Capsaicin: The active component of chili peppers, capsaicin is often used topically to nerve, muscle, and joint pain. It works by interfering with substance P, a chemical that helps transmit pain signals to the brain. It is available as a topical cream or gels in several different potencies (most often, 0.025% to 0.075%) and is usually applied three to four times daily. It can cause some stinging and burning initially, but it typically subsides with use.
Cat’s claw: Uncaria tomentosa, or cat’s claw, also known as una de gato, grows in South America. It contains an anti-inflammatory agent that blocks the production of the hormone prostaglandin, which contributes to inflammation and pain. Suggested doses are 250 to 1,000 mg capsules one to three times daily. Taking too high a dose may cause diarrhea.

Curcumin: Curcumin is a component of the herb turmeric, and it is a potent painkiller that can block proteins in the body that cause inflammation and also stops the neurotransmitter called substance P from sending pain message to the brain. Studies show that curcumin is effective in easing the chronic pain of rheumatoid arthritis. A suggested dose is 400 to 600 mg of curcumin taken three times daily for pain and inflammation.
Omega-3 fatty acids: The omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that have proven beneficial for people who suffer with arthritis, other inflammatory joint conditions, and inflammatory bowel diseases. Omega-3s also reduce cardiovascular risk, which is especially helpful for people with rheumatoid arthritis, which carries an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. A suggested dose of omega-3 fatty acids as fish oil is 1,000 mg daily.
White willow bark: This herb is the predecessor of aspirin. White willow bark contains salicin, which converts to salicylic acid in the stomach. White willow bark is much less irritating to the stomach than the synthetic drug, aspirin, while it works to relieve pain, inflammation, and fever. A suggested dose is 1 to 2 dropperfuls of white willow bark tincture daily.

You can find the natural remedies mentioned in this article at many Phoenix-area stores and pharmacies, including Sprouts Farmers Market, Healthy Habit Health Foods, and the Natural Medicinary.

Want to read more articles by the Phoenix Alternative Medicine Examiner? Please subscribe at the top of this column to receive e-mail updates.Previous articles by the Phoenix Alternative Medicine Examiner  ,Phoenix Alternative Medicine Examiner

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I cannot even begin to remember when my love for Dolphins evolved...as long as I can remember I have always felt a deep love for these beautiful beings.
We have been blessed to be in the presence of the Dolphins and it excites me ...makes me feel such deep love...can bring tears to my eyes <3 at the very sight of them!
Dolphins are one of the most intelligent kindred creatures on the planet.... living masters. They are masters of joy, of love, of harmonious relationships... and so much more!

What you see above is a Baby Dolphin riding  Mama's back and learning everything by  imatating what Mama does. Amazingly ,this is a personal photograph that Shawn took without knowing the real story of the picture until I downloaded  and cropped it to see what beauty lies within it! I must say My heart skipped a few beats and my eyes teared up ...its not just me.. my granddaughter Shylynn who is a very Spiritually Gifted did the same thing,,she had love in her eyes! It was a very beautiful moment <3

I cannot forget  we also saw a Sea Lion we called Sammy playing in the ocean near the breaker wall,we heard him first then we saw him doing the backfloat ! :)
